Renting vs. Purchasing Commercial Mats
Walkway Safety Solutions
The Pros and Cons when it comes to renting or buying.
It is critical to have a commercial mat program in place for your business.
Determine the best walkway safety solution for your building.
Read a full comparison of the difference between mat rental and purchasing.

Improved Housekeeping
80% of dust and dirt gets tracked in from the outside. With our Walkway Safety Program, your floors, walls, ceilings, and fixtures stay cleaner longer.
Con: Vacuuming a mat only removes 10% of the dirt and mats will loose functionality over time.

Improves Your Image
Our Mats perform beautifully for you at entrances, hallways, and high traffic areas when maintained regularly.
Con: Mats that are not maintained become dirty and soiled, chipped and old looking – leaving a negative impression on your business.

No Investment
We maintain a large supply of quality rental mats to serve you – so there is less money upfront.
Con: Purchased mats will need to be replaced over time.

Free consultation
Health Mats will be happy to meet you and do a walkway safety survey of your building to determine the best locations, and proper size and style for our mats to be installed.
Con: Without a consultation – you may end up buying the wrong size or type of mat.

Regular Delivery
We exchange soiled mats with freshly laundered mats on a weekly, bi-weekly, or every four-week schedule.
Con: If your mats are not maintained on a regular schedule you will need to buy replacement mats.

Saves you Time and Money
Our mat service can reduce your cleaning costs and save you money.
Con: Without a service your employees could be focusing on other housekeeping projects.